eye tracking systems by Arrington Research, Inc.

Integrityis a suite of interfaces between the ViewPoint EyeTracker ® and 3rd party applications, which is provided by Arrington Research, Inc. to ensure a professional quality, uniform, complete, and thorough interface to the favorite products of eye tracker users. These provide access to data, complete eye tracker control, and data integration and synchronization, all in real-time. Integrity is included free with ViewPoint.
3rd Party Products
Integrity™  Interface
included FREE
MATLAB (Mac and PC)
Works with: PsychToolbox

ViewPoint EyeTracker Toolbox ™
(Mac and PC)

Neurobehavioral Systems

ViewPoint Presentation Interface

Psychological Software Tools

ViewPoint E-Basic Interface
Python (Mac and PC)
Python Software Foundation
Works with: VisionEgg, Psychopy
Sample Code with real-time Callback-Function
(Mac and PC)

National Instruments
Interface Instructions

The sample code shows how to:

  • Open/Close the ViewPoint application
  • Open/Close/Pause/Resume data files
  • Insert real-time dataMarkers and real-time stringData
  • Access all data in real-time
  • Completely control the ViewPoint EyeTracker remotely
  • Merge data in real-time from various sources.

Subject to change without notice